Typically planning a wedding takes years and year to plan. It all starts when little girls start playing dress-up, watch Disney Princess movies or with simply play with their Barbies. These little girls soon find themselves in a fantasy land, dreaming of fairytale castles and some mysterious prince charming. All of this is then stored in their minds for years to come until one day their dream guy stoops down to one knee, looks at his girl with his big beautiful eyes and carefully opens a little box with a big sparkling diamond. The girl then smiles and literally has her breath taken away at this eye-gawking moment. She is so happy she is floating on cloud nine feeling nothing but bliss.

A few weeks to a month go by after the big proposal and the real planning starts. The bride is obsessively checking popular wedding blogs, The Knot, and Pinterest. But one “tinsy-tiny” detail has been overlooked, the groom may have a few ideas for the wedding. Typically the groom gets to show off his personality with boutonnieres or in grooms cakes.

So brides to be, just remember that your fiancee may want a few or his opinions valued. 🙂



Groom cake collage