Wedding Catering Inspiration Ideas

A new post-wedding trend has seen rise in the recent years – late night snack parties. We love this because it shows a lot of care and consideration on the wedding couple’s part. The wedding dinner is worked off by your guests long after they hit the dance floor.

After hours of dancing and drinking, a lot of guests can be seen looking for leftover food. Not to mention, something that can help them ward off the inevitable hangover the next morning. So, if your budget allows, talk to your wedding caterer about creating an after-party menu. This can include small bites and snacks that your guests can enjoy without having to sit down.

Think about convenient munchies. Here are some ideas for a fun menu.

Stick bites:

After the wedding party, your guests will be preparing to hop on a bus or a cab to make it back home – snacks on a stick will be very convenient to have on the go. For this, you can order mini corn dogs with little pouches of mustard and ketchup. Or think salad – tomato, mozzarella, and basil on a skewer with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar. Yum.

Shots are fine:

How about tortilla strip shooters with nacho cheese dip? These are classic recipes but so much fun with the shooters. For a more elegant choice, you can try something like lobster claw with a bisque shooter, or shrimp with a cocktail sauce. Even maple syrup shots with French toast strips are a divine choice. Or you can go the old way and choose grilled cheese strips with tomato soup shots.

Texas style wraps:

Thinking of portable food, how about pop-tarts. And not just any pop tarts – pulled pork ones. You can also try creative rolls, like a Philly cheesesteak rolled up like an egg roll.

Mini treats:

Other than storing kitchen stuff, those cute little muffin tins can also be used to serve fun snacks like mini meatloaves, mini tacos, or how about mini frittatas? Since the party keeps going until late night and into the morning, you might as well serve them breakfast.

Magic in a Cone:

A cone is not only very convenient but also a perfect way to serve delicious snacks to guests on their way out of the party. You can have nuggets in a waffle cone crusted with blue cheese, or a sesame cone lined with seaweed and stuffed with pickled tuna.

A small snack Bar:

You know what would be the perfect late night snack idea for your wedding guests? A popcorn bar with varied flavors and seasonings. Another great Texan snack idea would be a biscuit bar with pimento cheese, ham, pickle, and mustard dressing. And if nothing else, you can always go with the classic yet yummy burger slider bar.

Cookies and Milk:

However ‘homey’ this may sound, your guests will appreciate this cozy snack that will remind them of all the late night munchies they used to enjoy. For cookies, you can choose oats and raisins, or almond butter and chocolate, there are a lot of options. For milk, you can opt for nut milk and soy milk, other than the standard one to suit the diverse preferences of your various guests.

Possibilities are endless. You might decide to choose one snack option (like a burger slider bar) or go with multiple snacks. Whatever your choice, the guests will thank you for this thoughtful favor.